Saturday, March 6, 2010

Corporate Leadership in Social Responsibility - Limited Tickets Only

Explore and Promote “Greater Awareness, Best Practices, Sustainable Development and Excellence towards CSR in Indonesia.”

CSR Indonesian Summit - Corporate Leadership in Social Responsibility
@ Kantor Menkokesra, Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No. 3 (Depan Monas)
Thursday/Kamis, 11 Maret/March 11th, 2010
start 08.30 AM to 05.00 PM

Key Note Speaker: Menkokesra RI
Key Note Speaker: Komisi VIII dan Komisi VII DPR RI
Basic Principles on CSR
- Ismid Hadad - Asosiasi Filantropi Indonesia
- Hardinsyah – Asosiasi Profesi CSR
- Mr. Akhtar Badshah, Senior Director of Community Affairs Microsoft Corporation USA
Global and Local Issues on CSR
- Dewi P. Bramono - Asian Pulp & Paper
- Nurasih Suwahyono - Badan Standarisasi Nasional
- Agus Muldya - ILUNI UI Jakarta
Communicate Your CSR
- Toharso - Pertamina
- Friderica Widyasari - Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Andreas Diantoro – Indonesia Marketing Association
Opening Award Announcement – Judge Panel Team

Limited Ticket Entry
Discount 50% before March 7th, 2010 for only Rp 185.000 (Normal Charge: Rp 370.000)
To Comitte Account: 342 1546 779, Bank BCA, a/n: Soraida Irawaty - First Come First Served
All You Get: Lunch, Seminar Kit, etc
Door Prize: Garuda Airways Ticket, etc

Register NOW to email/CALL: - Indah 0815 854 169 27 - Nita 0856 853 2290 - Hira 0815 1372 3930

Tickets Only Left for 50 persons....

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Kategori di bidang sosial adalah kegiatan-kegiatan yang berdampak pada peningkatan kualitas kehidupan sosial, budaya, keagamaan dan kesejahteraan sosial. Bidang ini antara lain mencakup: layanan dan kemudahan pendidikan, gizi dan kesehatan, keagamaan, seni, budaya, olahraga, infrastruktur pendidikan, infrastruktur kesehatan, infrastruktur keagamaan, infrastruktur seni, budaya, olahraga, pemberdayaan perempuan, perlindungan konsumen, perlindungan anak, dan perumahan bagi masyarakat berpendapatan rendah.
Kategori di bidang ekonomi adalah kegiatan-kegiatan yang berdampak pada peningkatan peluang kerja dan peluang usaha, peningkatan pendapatan dan penurunan kemiskinan di masyarakat. Bidang ini antara lain mencakup: pengembangan koperasi, lembaga keuangan mikro, usaha mikro kecil, industri mikro kecil, teknologi kewirausahaan, pasar dan pemasaran, infrastruktur ekonomi, pertanian tanaman pangan, perkebunan, perikanan, peternakan dan ketahanan pangan.
Kategori di bidang lingkungan adalah kegiatan-kegiatan yang berdampak pada peningkatan kenyamanan dan kelestarian lingkungan, yang antara lain mencakup manajemen lingkungan, penanganan limbah, penanganan lahan kritis, reboisasi, reklamasi lahan, infrastruktur air bersih dan pengairan, pengendalian polusi udara, air dan tanah, kebisingan, air dan sanitasi, lingkungan permukiman (drainase, jalan penanganan banjir), serta penghematan energi dan penggunaan energi alternatif. Kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut dapat berupa kegiatan backward linkage (yang berhubungan langsung dengan core business perusahaan) dan forward linkage (kegiatan yang lepas sama sekali dengan core business perusahaan).

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

9. Eligibility
The competition is open to companies of all sizes both indigenous and multinational.
We strongly recommend that submissions be only accepted if a company’s
CEO or relevant Board member has signed them off.

Monday, January 18, 2010

1. Verify validity and accuracy of the data provided: Review submission
against the supporting evidence provided, company reports plus other
information available in the public domain and obtain additional
information or clarification from the company if needed. This occurs
either via email or a company visit;
2. Assess the quality of the submissions against the criteria and their
evaluation questions and assign points;
3. Select winning entries;
4. Provide feedback to all participants: Written feedback from the judging
panel should be sent both to awarded companies, as well as to those
that were not awarded. This way, there is opportunity for learning and
development, as the feedback reports can be used to guide the
company’s improvement efforts. (Example: see in Appendix 1, UK,
Awards for Excellence.)
There are no checklists with “right answers” for the submissions to be
measured against, as CSR performance consists of constantly evolving
targets, and are context-dependent. Instead, the expertise of the judging
panels will be relied upon to compare the submissions and rank them, so as
to identify winners in each of the categories and their contestant sub groups.
5. Evaluation scoring system
In order to rank the submissions from participants according to the
evaluation criteria, a simple scoring system, illustrated in diagram 3:
Award Evaluation Scoring System, could be used.
Points will be assigned at the discretion of the Judging Panel, but could be
thought of in the following manner:
1 point assigned per issue addressed, per criterion;
If the issue is addressed over more than one criterion, or, over the
entire criteria range, it can receive up to a maximum of 5 points;
If a submission is not single issue focused, but instead demonstrates a
comprehensive, committed and consistent strategic approach to an
entire category, at its discretion, the Judging Panel can assign up to 10
points per criterion, adding up to a maximum total of 50 points;
In addition, the Judging Panel can award up to 50 points based on its
overall appreciation of the submission, in light of the evidence and
total information provided, and considered relative to local industry
As already stated earlier, the proposed Award model aims to reward
integrated approaches to CSR development.